

If you follow my YouTube channel,  you’ll know that I usually do not reveal too much about myself. The reason is that I want the focus on the games. That’s what my channel is about.  With this webpage, it’s a little different: I wanna share my daily gaming experience with you and in this way also a part of my private life. So I also want to let you know a little more about myself.


My name is Johannes and I was born on the 21st of December 1973 in Augsburg in the south of Germany.  At the age of twenty,  I moved to Berlin to study history of arts, philosophy and archeology. In this way I gained a lot of completely useless knowledge and ended up as a guard in the Jewish Museum Berlin.  The job is okay,  without too much responsibility and trouble, but the salary is low. That’s the reason why I share my apartment in Kreuzberg with two other flatmates.

I loved playing board games since I was a little child. Because I was the only child,  I played a lot solo. At that time, solitaire games were pretty rare, so I played different players all by myself.  Games like Monopoly, Risk, Scotland Yard. . I played them all solo. I even changed places, if it was the next player’s turn.

In the early eighties,  role playing games and adventure board games eventually entered the german market.  I discovered Talisman and Dungeonquest and was absolutely blown away.  I played these games for countless hours.

When I got older, board gaming wasn’t “cool” anymore. ..Some people did still role playing games,  but nobody of my friends was in board gaming, so that seemed like the end of the story.

The only game I kept playing all through the years was chess,  and I dare to say, I’m a pretty good player.

So the years passed by, and with a few exceptions of casual gaming (Settlers of Catan,  Carcassonne), I didn’t roll a die anymore.  But then, in my mid thirties,  my eyes where caught by three games. These games were the beginning of my second gaming career: Space Hulk, Zombies!!! and Arkham Horror. I immediately fell in love with the hobby again and realised that I rediscovered something that I was looking for many years without knowing how badly I was missing it.

My collection was growing rapidly as I discovered Boardgamegeek as an unbelievable valuable source for absolutely everything concerning boardgaming.

Inspired by calandales‘ fabulous playthrough videos, after a few years,  I decided to start my own YouTube channel,  focusing completely on solo gaming.

What I loved most about my YouTube experience was the feedback of all you people out there, and I realised what a great community there is.

As written above, this page was now created to share my everyday gaming experience with you and I hope that it will give us the opportunity to an even more regular contact.


If you wanna send me a private message,  you may contact me on BGG or YouTube.


  • Ивайло says:

    Have you played Europa universalis yet? I am curious how does it play as a board game since I play EU4 a lot these days.

    • A lonesome Gamer says:

      Actually I haven´t and I´m pretty sure it will take me some time before I do. It´s real monster and I´ve got a lot of gaming plans for the near future…

  • JustSayHuh says:

    Looking forward to seeing a playthrough of Greenland, I just ordered it and it will arrive next week. I even cracked open Arkham Horror again after watching your older playthroughs. It makes a lot more sense to me now after watching you play through it. Really love your videos!

    • A lonesome Gamer says:

      Thanks a lot! AH is a fantastic game, and if you´re into the rules once, it´s really not that complicated anymore. I haven´t played Grenland yet, but I´m definitely eager to try it….

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  • Kai says:

    I stumbled over your video playthrough of Thunderbolt-Apache-Leader a few weeks ago and got totally addicted to your videos by now.

    Today I found your website and found out that we are almost neighbors, I live in Kreuzberg as well.

    Thanks for the efforts you are putting into this! Great job!

  • citilogic says:

    I noticed that you bought Here I Stand for your first crazy buy in March. Can HIS play in solitaire mode? Will you have a play through of it? Will you have your own solo variant of this game? How can you make a political and Negotiation master piece to become a solitaire game?

    • A lonesome Gamer says:

      I guess I won´t come up with a solo variant. I think I´ll simply play more sides and I can do diplomatic decisions also solo and enjoy that a lot. Check out calandale´s playthrough…looks great!
      Maybe I come up with some modifications though as I did in 7 Ages. The diplomacy cards for the 2 player variant are included, so maybe that will help.

  • Wyrtt says:

    This website rather impresive for someone who not exp with webdesign.
    I dont watch your videos often. More like in short bursts. Im glad that you still doing session recording and improve your chanell.

    • A lonesome Gamer says:

      Thanks a lot! I also don´t watch a lot of playthroughs, because I usually don´t find the time. So my idea was to write session reports on this site, so also people with less time may share my gaming experience. Greetings 🙂

  • sithknight19 says:


    I was wondering if any stores on your side of the pond sell Assault on Doomrock? I have looked everywhere for this and can’t find 🙁 Also how have you been old friend!!??

    hope all is well,


    • A lonesome Gamer says:

      I checked my favorite shops and they also don´t offer it yet…
      I´ve seen some ups and downs in the last days: My girlfriend had to go to the hospital…she´s really underweight and her tortured mind is giving her a heart time!
      On the other hand, I´m on holidays for a week now, wich is great. I meeting every second day with friends playing for many hours. Yesterday we played Zombicide, today it was Brimstone. Wednesday we´re hopefully gonna play 7 Ages. Overall, that´s how holidays should be spent 🙂
      Finally I´m awaiting Europa Univrsalis and World at War. I´m terribly excited about these games. I assume they´re not your cup of tea, but somehow these monsters are fascinating me.
      How are you doing? I hope everything´s fine.

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